​JEANNE DEBARSY Artiste sonore - Ingénieur du son
A MERMAID IS ON AIR by Anna Raimondo
10'50 - Sound art - 2016
A mermaid is a mystery
A mystery, which crosses different universes and registers
Half bird or half fish?
Femmes fatales or a simple and innocent beautiful girl?
Prophet or destroyer?
Between the world of the dead and the living, anyway, she is a woman.
Becoming woman, waves, becoming mermaid, A Mermaid Is On Air is a sonic trip trough these universes, where the voice, the subjectivity and the process of the perception of listening are central to explore them.
Looking for a feminine communication, beyond logos, the work explores what being a woman could mean and imply.
And as a mysterious universe of the waves, the mermaid also embodies here the potential of electromagnetic waves in her possibility to cross the air, the water and the earth.
Playing on different levels, the work deconstructs the myth of the mermaid, mixing different legends and stereotypes about its figure. The mermaid becomes here an ironic and poetic way to approach what does “being woman” means beyond instructions to follow and stereotypes to fill. At the same time, this figure also activates the imaginary related to the sea as a horizon of possibility where to find the other and the self in continuous transformation.
Realization : Anna Raimondo.
Sound Mix : Jeanne Debarsy.
Sound Effects : Céline Bernard.
Sound effects recording : Stjin Norga
Acknowledgements : Ö1 Kunstradio (At), Radio Revolten (De)
License : Creative Commons by-nc-sa 4.0